Road trips are one of the best ways to explore all that Canada has to offer. But if you find yourself dealing with an unexpected breakdown, or you’re simply uncomfortable in your car for hours on end, the excitement of going on a road trip can wear off fast.

Whether you’re heading out for the afternoon or going on a multi-day drive, here are 10 of the best road trip accessories to make your next getaway safer and more enjoyable.

Wireless car charger and external battery packs

These days, our phones are essential road trippin’ tools. They power our maps. They play our music. They help us take photos at our destinations. And they’re critical in helping us deal with unforeseen breakdowns and emergencies.

If you want to avoid being stuck with a phone that’s dangerously low on juice, pack a wireless charger and some external battery packs on your next adventure.

Emergency escape tool

Emergency escape tools are designed to help you get out of a disabled car after an accident. These multi-function tools can be used to break windows and cut seatbelts in an emergency. Some models also double as a flashlight.

Although it’s scary to think that you’ll ever need to use one of these tools, if you find yourself in a situation where an emergency escape tool is needed you’ll be glad to have one handy.

Back seat organizer

If you’re the type of car owner who likes to keep their vehicle neat and tidy, a car back seat organizer is a must.

Larger car seat organizers have enough room to hold drinks, toys, electronics, wet wipes, hand sanitizer, and whatever else you and your passengers need quick access to while you’re on the road.

Some models also come with a clear pocket that can hold tablets or a Nintendo Switch—perfect for keeping your kids (and maybe any adult passengers in the back seat!) entertained.

UV sunshades

If you’re heading out on a summer road trip, sunshades can make the adventure a whole lot more comfortable. Side window sunshades can protect passengers from harmful UV rays while still giving you a clear view of the road. A windshield shade can lower the internal temperature of your car in summer and warm the interior in winter. 

Car sunshades typically fold down into a fraction of their size so they won’t take up much space if you keep them in the car year ‘round.


Even though we live closer to the North Pole than most, Canada’s summertime sun burns bright. And whether you’re in the car or at the beach, you’re bound to be exposed to some pretty harsh UV rays. Throwing some sunscreen into the trunk on your next summertime road trip into the great outdoors can help you avoid an unwelcome sunburn.

Remember: sunscreen should generally be applied every two hours. You’ll want to use water-resistant sunscreen if your road trip includes an outdoor swim. And don’t just put sunscreen on an infant. Instead, try to keep children younger than 6 months out of the sun entirely.

Bug spray

In Canada, it can be hard to know who loves summer more—humans or bugs. If you’ve ever driven somewhere for a quick outdoor getaway, only to return covered in bug bites, you’ll know what we’re talking about.

While you’re rummaging around in your bathroom for some sunscreen, grab the bug spray and add it to your road trip kit.

If you don’t need it, no biggie! But if you do need it, then hey… no buggy!

Lumbar support pillow

Driving can be tough on your lower back. Especially if you’re going on a longer trip with fewer opportunities to get out and stretch your legs.

A lumbar support pillow can help you prevent slouching and maintain good posture while you’re in the car which, in turn, can help you avoid unwanted aches or pains once you make it to your final destination.

Keep in mind, everybody’s body is a little different. And lumbar support pillows come in different shapes, sizes, and materials. So you might have to try out a few options before landing on the one that’s best for you.

Aux cord

If you’ve ever struggled to connect to your car’s audio system via bluetooth, you’ll probably agree that car bluetooth connectivity isn’t always the quickest way to put on your road trip playlist.

Adding an aux cord (aka “auxiliary cord”) to your next road trip and make it easy for you and your passengers to plug, play, and share the musical programming.

Folding blanket

Impromptu pit stops are a great way to stretch your legs and enjoy the scenery along the way. But they’re even more fun when you have something to sit on.

With a compact folding blanket in your trunk, you’ll be able to have a picnic or quick rest any time you and your passengers spot a great place to stop.

Basic first aid kit

A basic first aid kit is another one of those things you might not use a whole lot. But you’ll be glad to have one on hand the second it’s needed.

To create a DIY first aid kit for your car, simply pack a ziploc bag with bandages, pain relievers, medical tape, scissors, a variety of different-sized bandaids (check that they aren’t expired), and anything else you’ll need to treat minor cuts, sprains, and injuries that could occur on the way to (and even at) your final destination.

Emergency kit

Slippery, snow-covered roads and reduced visibility can make driving a challenge in winter. But Canadian drivers can also run into issues like flat tires, breakdowns, and prolonged traffic jams during the warmer months of the year.

To help you deal with these unforeseen situations, it’s a good idea to keep an emergency kit in your car at all times.

The Canadian government recommends the following items for a basic car kit:

  • Food that won't spoil (e.g. energy bars)
  • Water in plastic bottles (glass will break if the water freezes) that are replaced every six months
  • Blanket
  • Extra clothing and shoes or boots
  • First aid kit with seatbelt cutter
  • Small shovel, scraper and snowbrush
  • Candle in a deep can and matches
  • Wind‑up flashlight
  • Whistle—in case you need to attract attention
  • Roadmaps
  • Copy of your emergency plan
  • Items to keep in your trunk:
  • Sand, salt or cat litter (non-clumping)
  • Antifreeze and windshield washer fluid
  • Tow rope
  • Jumper cables
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Warning light or road flares

If you’d like to make sure you’re even better prepared, here are some additional items to keep in your trunk:

  • Sand, salt or cat litter (non-clumping) to help you deal with icy roads
  • Antifreeze and windshield washer fluid
  • Tow rope
  • Jumper cables
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Warning light or road flares

Check the contents of your car’s emergency kit every few months and update it based on the seasons. For example, you don’t need to carry a snow shovel and bag of cat litter around during summer. Just be sure to add them back into your car kit at the end of fall.

Road trip or day trip, make sure your car’s protected while it’s on the road

If you don’t want a sudden breakdown to cut your next road trip short, a GuardTree used car warranty can protect you from expensive repairs or breakdowns that can occur while you’re on the road. 

GuardTree provides protection from most major electrical and mechanical repairs. And our used car warranty subscriptions include additional benefits like roadside assistance, car rental, and trip interruption costs to help you deal with sudden breakdowns and keep you on the road.

See what’s covered and use our price calculator to decide if a GuardTree extended car warranty is right for you.